Monday, August 14, 2006

I got a new HP

Well, HP means 'handphone'. Not a printer. Anyway, I got a new one. Well, actually, it's the Sony Ericsson T68 that I snatched not too long ago.

The story goes like and the rest ot the family went on a bargain-hunting for electronic gadgets. I was supposed to come, but then I went out with my friends, and I told mom that I'll meet them at the mall. I never showed up, though, cuz I was too busy helping my 'first-time-to-the-big-city' friends the way around. Turns out I missed a good bargain of MP4 512MBs for half the usual price!

I got to meet some handphone daelers, though, and let them check my handphone. I found out that it is a bit broken, because I can't call anybody on it. Probably caused by the fact that I was always switching SIM-cards from dad's to mine's to check for messages.

As I returned home, my sis went on bragging about her new MP4, and I went so jelaous that I decided to buy one from my friend. Mom was furious of my plan. Then dad said, "I'd rather you buy something else. And dont forget about the MealPlan redemption money. If it's banked to your account, tell me and I'll have it. I need the 400 for cradit bills."

What's MealPlan (MP)? Well, it's a debit card that we students use to pay for stuffs at cafe's. It costs 400 bucks each, compulsory for all 1st years. That means everyone should have one. Unfortunately, for the straightly naive girl that I used to be, I handed it to dad when he asked for it at the orientaton week. I gave him, and he went to the office to REFUND it back to cash!!! First of all, nobody takes back what they give to their kids; and Second, I don't want my money used to pay his credit bills. It amounts 30000 anyway; it won't be enough. And I have done some investigaton on dad and I found out his 'spendings' are way, way too much and very 'inriguing'. Six cards cut because of over limits in two years? And that's just from 1 company. I dont think we spend that much money. I am now still wearing hand-me-down dresses from mom. To classes.

Apart from all that stuff about dad, my biggest salute goes to my friend Eisya....well, I'll tell you all about her later...if I have the mood. I have to go for classes now. Bye...


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