Friday, March 30, 2007

The what??? Mom, did you say that?

This afternoon, mom asked me.
"Have you ever been haunted by a ghost?"
I tuned white and immediately remembered my blog post( and in that tiniest moment i thought that my bro would have spilled the beans on that haunting right after he read it). Sorry, bro!
Actually, mom then continued, "Your sister said that a ghost jumped on her while she was asleep, and almost suffocate her."
"Oh really?" I said. "Well, for me, no (that's a lie). But when did that happen?"
"Last night around 1 pm."
"Isn't that the time when you asked me if you could watch that TRL (rerun) on MTV?"
"Yeah, I was asleep, but after the ghost thing, I never slept. That's why I asked about that TRL."
Oh, so my sis wanted a companion. Actually, I've been up and about (staying up) every day of the week (of course on weekends, I never woke up at all) and I slept around 3.30-4am. Sometimes, my sis would stay up too, mostly not because of homeworks but rather to watch TRL. And I don't like it when she does, cuz I'd got distracted(and other reason:I won't be able to watch the Animax reruns either). So, at that time, that very night, I was reading my books, and my sis was sleeping with the lights on. around 1 pm, just as my favourite Animax show ended (a ghost-paranormal-creepy kinda show--karma huh?), my sister asked me loudly form the room whether there was TRL. I said no (after that I DID watch TRL, just for the fun of it).
Okay, I have no clue what happened to my sis. And all that when I used to be the one attacked by that evil spirit. I still feel his presence now and then, usually around...(eheh...can't tell you, can I?). But after the last attack, I learned a few stuffs about 'blocking evil spirits' from my college sister when she came home for the hols. And a few stuffs from Discovery channel too. Really!
First rule: fight evil spirit with holy words. The Kursy and the four Quls, and a little personalized prayer saying "god protect me from these unknowns". That's my college-sis advice.

Second rule: the Discovery channel's "is it real?" rule. Take this from the scientific view. That choking sensation was probably from the lung or heart muscles relaxing, a mistake that sometimes happen when only limb muscles should relax (so you don't 'act' what you dream. That'll be dangerous). So, to beat that, lie on your sides instead on your back (like a baby to prevent cot death). Cuz on the sides, the lung muslces will not "lie atop" the lungs when it relaxes. At least that my inference....

If this haunting was real, why did the ghost chose my sis after months disturbing me and keeping me of sleep? First, I think the Kursy thing probably worked. Second, after the attacks, I became stronger (really?) I hardly feel afraid (and when I do, the Kursy always calms me down), and during the few last 'confrontation', I kinda got angry and throw my own arsenal of insults. hahahaah.....

I bet if he/she reads this, he'll be so pissed off he'll be attacking tonight. Stay in bed early...

Friday, March 23, 2007

oh, like my god, like SO Bad!

ever had a feeling that you had that little premonition before doing something, and something bad DID happen???
oh yea, it did.....just happened...

You know, my friend from an internet group gVE ME A website that can 'calculate your love romances on your crush'. i wanted to try out, not because i do have a crush, but it's out of curiosity. really! I put in my bro's name there....and press the button calculate. it leaves an error message "put in three names, please". At that point I had this gut feeling saying "don't do this! don't hit the back button and reenter those names. I said: what the heck, maybe that compouter cannot calculate names with similar surnames, so I put in three REAL men names: The hottest guy in school (and he was my friend's boy), the only guy who had the nerve to talk to a nerd like me in school, and a guy who in the final semester dinner, wore the nicest black suit (that's a change from his usual t-shirt thing).

And you know soon as I press the calculate button...The website immediately send a message to my friend (from the internet community group) all the names of my THREE CRUSHES!!! Oh man......I was duped....I sat there dazed, and blaming myself not to litsen to my gut feelings...

lucky I didn't put in any names she's recognize...she's a girl from college...and that name was from school's. But she'll be going round my reunions and saying...."you like this guy X...and that guy Y..." At colege she even teases me (real hard, REALLY) about my relationship with a guy...Mail, his name (I bet she's surprised Mail didn't show up in that list--lucky I had the GUT feeling to omit him out). But i'm afraid she might recognise a name....probably one of her community firends...oh man...I dont want her telling that guy cuz he's gonna misinterpret our 'just friends' relationship. REAlly, I'm just a freind! NO FEELINGS!

Damage control! damage control!!
I replied my friend by saying she hit me good, and I put in the names of my little baby nieces to try out...(hopes she buys that).

There's another button asking me to froward this to other friends and fool her...but I don 't wanna do that....and risk a girl knocking at my door with a chainsaw, saying...YOU KNEW MY DEEPEST< DARKEST SECRET...AND NO-ONE WILL!!!!