I miss Black Cat!
Well, I've been on he job for five days now...
and due to the fact that I'm working straight after the exam, by Wednesday I got really, really sick. It's the overdrive thing....and I didn't even know what date it is.
Work, work, work, and then go home and sleep. Not even time to do my diary! I feel guilty with myself not doing anything at all, especially the ones I promised to do:
- Play guitar
- Go shopping
- Learn another language
- Learn another software (NOT another translator machine's software, at least)
- Complete my last sem's sewing project, and start a new one
- Go and have a workout (this is the most guilt-felling broken promise ever, cuz the boss' mom told me that I've gained weight since the last time I worked with her)
Oh man, I need to get my life back. Last night I dreamt of watching Black Cat, my currently-favorite anime show. I used to watch TV, but since this is the umpteenth time dad forgot to pay the TV bill again, no Black Cat for me. And only two more episodes till the finale! Ahhh man!
This is how job feels like. My only motivation is the fact that i'll get my pay, so I can save for a hand phone (that's my boss' suggestion since she can't reach me on this old junk).
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