Monday, April 09, 2007


i have a lot of stuff to upload to my blog, namely my blog from the last few days. but then again, i forgot where i put them. Anyway, quite new news:
1> I repaired my China MP4 using a foam double-sided tape. it worked! But now I had to 'renew' all the song list in it since the last time i used it was like last semester.
2>Mom bought my bro a new handphone. But a day before she send them to him, she decided to give him my lil bro's handphone, (and thus the little brat will get a new one). I explained to him that although the new one was 'new', it was practically the oldest model in the book, and even my little brat's phone is more valuable (some old B&W Nokia over a B&W Motorola). I once had lost that Motorola in the library and thought it was a goner until I found out that someone returned it to the librarian's counter because he thought it was an 'old people's phone'. pretty useful fact for giving a hp to a person who's always a target for looters. hoo!
3>getting a lot more stressed!!!! Ugh...I hadn't read anything! I cant concentrate more than 10 minutes on a subject...I need a plan.
4>I made a deal with my sis...she's starting her final exam in a couple of days, and I said to her that, we made a deal: Any on e of us who gt higher than the other will get a guitar from me....(both of us love music and mom just gave us a green light to buy em, so...) I think she's gonna win. After all, she bought her tutorial question on our family vacation and did EVERY SINGLE ONE of them.
5>after I gave mom the lecture about the benefits of contact lenses, mom bought a huge box of contact lenses....for my sis!


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