Thursday, July 13, 2006

The Detective's Handbook: Vol 1

That was strange...

The first clinical conference, of the 1st semester has four students as speakers. My dad was only the supervisor of ONE—her. Strangely, others do about different stuffs—and she was EXACTLY ON SOMETHING DAD HAS HIS EXPERTISE ON. Dad has a degree on a certain subject. A distant, rare, unpopular subject to say at least and she chose THAT. Is it because dad can help her? Hm…that was on 22nd July 05. Hey! Isn’t that the time dad started DATING miss A-Z? Hm….
Now, the rest of the story. A document dated 26th October, has the marks of the clinical conference. It has marks of three students—all but one wasn’t on the First Clinical Conference. Guess which one is the only one in the First that has her marks on dad’s marking sheet? Yep, Miss-goody-two-shoes. Yeah, she isn’t goody. Guess again, how much marks she got (per ten)?

NINE OUT OF TEN. Isn’t that amazing?

Look what’s even amazing. On 16th January, the 2nd clinical conference has started. Guess whose miss timekeeper? Yep, her again. One thing to note is that Dad seems a bit busier during these times. I’ll ask mom (make a mental note, you all) whether the hotel bills from dad were found around this date. On a lighter note, another student has dad as supervisor. And he’s a man. Both, on the second semesters, and the first semesters. Whew. Luck.
Now, now, it hasn’t ended yet. On 6th April dad received an email message posted to all lecturers, saying that on 7th April there will be the 11th clinical conference. Supposedly, dad will ignore this message since he was not the supervisor of any students. But instead, he saved the message in his computer, as if he was afraid that he’ll forget the date or something (heck, it was on the NEXT day you received that message dad!) You know why? Miss-affair-girl is RIGHT THERE. Although this time she does a talk about something other than dad’s jurisdiction, why would dad be there? Helping?

Mental note: If possible hack into the punch card system to know how long he was there. Hey, I am desperate. But for a reason. I hope none of the security guard sees this or they’ll catch me the next time I sneak into his room. There goes my detective work.

Apart from those stuffs, I also checked into the internet history…but first, before I give you the results, read these facts, that:
1: No-one of our family was allowed to be near that PC, (except me, sneaking)
2: Everyone knows online community websites was blocked in the uni’s server.

So who….tried to access that online community? And as if he can’t do it right, cause of all things, he tried to access it using Google. Like he’s not used to this online-community-thing. Plus, this certain community website (decline to be named) is strictly YOUNG PEOPLE only. Why was he there? Did he get an invitation from a certain young person (I get them all the time) to join the community? My verdict is this: Dad got an email from that online community, saying “you’re invited by XXX so ‘click this link’”. And as usual, he clicked it, and immediately was blocked by the access control list (server, I mean). And what did he do? He’d be hoping that it was just a faulty link, that if he tried from another place, it’d work. But since he didn’t know the real full address of that link, he tried searching it a keyword in Google.

Hah! Verdict given.
How do I know?
I think similarly if I were him. We’re blood-tied, remember.

Goodbye. Next note coming thru later.


At 11:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

weh awk tgk history hari ni yeh.Yg laman web tuh saya yg bukak.ingatkan laman web 3D art,rupa2nya laman web 3D erotik.WARGH! nyesal degrading...dahla sy ni x tahan tgk benda2 nye fanservice pun lagi tame drpd Love Hina,nak lawan bende DEGRADING.tgh donload lagu nih.....

At 11:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

terer la awk buat kesimpulan.ingat dokumen biase2 je. apa la dah 2nd year pun blur2 lagi.camne nak jd ahli politik kampus (jgn bgtau abah & mama,bahaya)

At 11:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

terer la awk buat kesimpulan.ingat dokumen biase2 je. apa la dah 2nd year pun blur2 lagi.camne nak jd ahli politik kampus (jgn bgtau abah & mama,bahaya)

At 11:55 PM, Blogger Xeno said...

terer la awk buat kesimpulan.ingat dokumen biase2 je. apa la dah 2nd year pun blur2 lagi.camne nak jd ahli politik kampus (jgn bgtau abah & mama,bahaya)

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