Monday, July 10, 2006

Hot chocolate and sexy parfait

Aint that great....
This is my first day after the orientation week of my university life. I don't wanna elaborate on that, though I'm pretty sure half of the blogs arouund the world had their bloggers babbling on about how life sucks, how food stinks, how you miss mommy, yadda, yadda....

Somewhere around the third day of orientation, my big bro messaged me. He told me that Dad had like, 30,000 bucks worth of debts under his name (and we live so frugal, yeah.)the one thing he does not know is that I already know. And there's more. There's also a number of credit card companies trying to put him through court for not paying 'a sum of debts'. Then, I searched his old card holders and found SIX credit card, yes, SIX, all from the same company, and all been cut (that means it's void, or rather exceeded its limit). And all cars are new. They are valid until at least this year or the next's.

At that time (the time I recieved that message, I mean) the same overwhelming feeling that I got when I first found out the court order came back to me. I was like boiling mad. I don't care if my seniors are ragging some kids in front of me, I just wanna blew up. Luckily, I'm a slow burner, and by the time the seniors told us that the 'appropriate punishment' was a joke, I finally cool down. Not all, though.

Around the fourth day, I recieved another from bro. this time, it is something I really DONT know. Dad has a membership in a posh hotel(I know that). One thing I din't know is the strange hotel bills of special suites for 500 per nite. And on strange days too. Days when mom was busy, and so are the rest of the family. Mom confronted dad with the bills but dad ain't budging.

The next day is what I call the OMG!!!! day. It's because that was the 1st time I used it. Really. Miss Az, the affair girl, well, mom called her. She said she ain't leaving dad, and she had DONE it with dad as a proof. OMG!!!! (that's the second, or is it the third OMG?). That explains the bills. Then that morning she also called dad. Dad told her he wants a break up (That word was UNNATURAL for him). Anyway, I was so burned up with rage that I took he phone no. and wanted to (no, not confront her) but block her SIM card. Did it work? Well, this part is funny:

Mr teleservice guy (MTG): Hello, how may I help you?
Me: Well, see, my handphone was stolen, can I block it?
MTG: Why?
Me: Because I wanna buy a new one. Now I'm using a friend phone and this stinks.
MTG: Okay, give me your phone number.
Me: Well, it's XXX-XXXXXXX.
MTG: Okay, what's your'e name?
Me: Miss Azi. Oops! Azie ...uh well, just Azie. heheeh....
MTG: Hmmm....?(pauses, thinking). Can I have your address?
Me: Uh, I don't have one. You see....I am waiting for the confirmation of my university to let me into college. So I don't have a permanent address.
MTG: Really? (starts to sound sceptical)Just tell me.
Me: Why do you wanna know? I an't got a permanent address. I told you.
MTG: Okay, just tall me the name of the university.
Me: Fine. XXX.
MTG:Okay now....your birthdate?
Me:Darn it! Why do you wanna know?
MTG:For verification. (Oh, his point, I knew HE knew. Cuz other people did this, and nothing like this happened.)
Me:'s like this....Actually, my friend lost the phone, and she's very busy so she told me to do it. (making a cute voice to impress)
MTG: Right. Now tell that freind of yours, she is the one who has to call us. tell her that.
Me: Right. I'm sorry(Did I say that?). Bye.

Awh man! I spend the rest of the day dreaming of gettnig to jail, just for faking someone else's ID. And trying to block her SIM card so she wont be calling dad again. I promised myself to buy an ice-cream to make it feel better. But I forgot about that. Now I'm dreaming of ice-cream again.

And as for dad..I can't believe he did that! I bet he's on drugs or spells or love potion or something,cuz nobody would go to a hotel and meke and affair, and NOT MAKE AN EFFORT AT ALL to hide that bills. Mom is not that smart to go snooping around, although she found more clues than everyone in this family combined. She probably got Azie's birthdate too, from dad's office (darn it! why didn't I ask her???).She got Azie's photo, and she aint pretty at all. Seriously. She's five years older than any other students in her course, cuz she flunked a few semesters. And that bushy eyebrows just dont match that eyebag-full eyes. Compared to the rest of the pictures of her least five is more beautiful than her. Dad has seriously bad taste. Seriously! Or maybe his on love potions or spells or drugs. Nyahahaah....

As my university's shuttle pass through dad's former college on the way back to mine, I remembered mom's stories of how he courts her. That effort to go right in front of the girls' dorm with his mo-ped...and days of "can I borrow your ruler?" in the pu so much effort to court mom. Now he has put as much effort to courting that girl. how can people love two at the same time? I guess it's like, liking steak and barbecue. Or liking cola and pepsi. Or like hot chocolate and parfait. Parfait? it has strawberries and cream. MMMMM.......

I'm rebelling.


At 8:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thought u were happy.Okay...maybe u don't get the freedom you want.But I wish I had less to think about.Frat dudes have very twisted behaviour.

At 8:20 AM, Blogger Xeno said...

what! I think U didn't know.lolololololol.hey,my life in the campus is more serious than all of u thought.I haven't told all of u yet.xpe.....nanti dia grad xyah dia kaco abah lagi.....weh bile dpt biasiswa???

At 11:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This site is one of the best I have ever seen, wish I had one like this.


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